Who bids for Elijah's mantle?

Elijah passed by Elisha and threw his cloak upon him. (1 Kings 19:19c)

A.W Tozer wrote over seven decades ago:

Elijah lived in the power of Christ to come, and we live in the power of Christ who came; but it is the same Christ.

The man who hears God is the man God will hear. Elijah was such a man, and blessed by God.

The man who permits his spiritual experiences to be tested in the fires of living, even dare to stand against this world, God will bless. God will hold that man close and watch over him and love him and keep him and bless him. This He does by grace through mercy, but also the conditions of obedience and faith. 

Tozer continues and questions the contemporary Christian believer:

Are we so softened and weakened that obedience and faith are packed away behind a door that leads to a different world?

The Last Word:

Who bids for Elijah's mantle? Only those for live for THIS commendation ... 'well done good and faithful servant'.

#Today's SoulSnack contains SoulSupply edits.