A 2021 Letter from SoulSupply

SoulSupply turns 16 this coming July. Throughout this long season of ongoing SoulSnacks (there are nearly 5000 online) I have sprinkled the delights and fruit of Brennan Manning's thinking as a golden dust to enliven our minds and to enrich our souls.

I'd expect that regular readers are now familiar with this noble name that arose from an ignoble history of violence, abuse, rejection and alcoholism.

Manning did fail to turn himself around. But, I strongly suspect that his humble brokenness, and authenticity have been catalysts for many to achieve under the good Lord what He didn't. I am one.

Manning's zeal and Christian living insights are still to be celebrated, and studied afresh. They reach boldly into depths that few men can plumb, yet they also rise with a clarity that repays those who would grasp them.

Hence as our first series for 2021 I gather together a tiny Manning compendium to massage our thinking, doing and being.

Arriving to your inbox from January 25th are:

  • Manning - Truth & the devil
  • Moved by Manning &
  • Manning Re-sets the Christian Church ... in this he uncompromisingly takes a whip out.

To those who are subscribed for Mondays only, please forgive me as you will receive three SoulSnacks next week, but only next week.

The primary goal of SoulSupply is that we each can Make Sense of Life, I pray that Manning's Christian gains will flow to each of us as we too wrestle with the often elusive goal of Making Sense of Life because:

what is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight. (Luke 16:14d)

every blessing to you and your family for the year still ahead,
