A Rare Ingredient to a Common Life

Henri Nouwen wrote in 'The Way of the Heart':

Just look for a moment at our daily routine. We are very busy people. Our calendars are very full, our days filled with engagements, and our years filled with plans and projects. There is seldom a period in which we do not know what to do. Thus, we move through life in such a distracted way. We do not even take the time and rest to wonder if any of the things we think, say, or do are worth thinking, saying or doing.

As Christians why are we so occupied with the compulsions of an unredeemed world?

Nouwen continues to explain that the redemption of the Christian's life within this unredeemed world -

the place of salvation is called 'desert', the place of solitude.

  • Moses lived in a desert for forty years...
  • Elijah 'exploded' from mountainous Gilead...
  • John the Baptist lived and preached in the desert... and
  • John the Apostle was a cave dweller on the Greek island of Patmos...

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:16)

Absent from the clamor of men this unredeemed world is dulled, and the risen Christ is heard. He does not yell.

The Last Word:

Solitude births spiritual authority and spiritual influence, it feeds the soul.