Are there really cosmic scales?

Mankind sees the scales of credits and debits. In their mind most men weigh their heavy credits. And guaranteed, these credits defeat their debits.

The good that is in man will never redeem him from the evil that is in him. (Rick Joyner)

Salvation knows no cosmic scales.

At the very epicenter of the Tree of Life is The Cross.

The salvation truth of The Cross fills the Tree of Knowledge with fear. Because, this tree and all it promises stand destroyed.

There is no greater intimidation to the knowledge of good and evil than the Cross! (Rick Joyner)

In the heavenly garden, at time's end, there will be only one source of knowledge - the Tree of Life. And, its leaves alone are for the healing of the nations.

On each side of the river stood the Tree of Life ... and the leaves of the Tree are for the healing of the nations. (Revelation 22:2)

The Last Word:

'Proud men sing songs, humble men bend knees.'