Facing off PHARISEES! ~ A

Soul Snack 35/14 ... As with the Psalmist could you plead ... I have lived too long around men who love violence and hate peace.

Pharisees do violence to both the body and the soul.

Living under Pharisaism is too weighty. It is too hard. They are men of murderous thought.

The heart of the Pharisee is too ready for criticism, too quick to find fault. It owns too many unfriendly laws.

Pharisees saddle condemnation upon souls, and crush spirits with glaring eyes. They shackle the will with burdens, and imprison the heart with fear.

Jesus would entertain none of this, for He knew love always defeats law.

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. (Ephesians 2:14-15)

Across the tracks we all tramp each day Heaven cries - speak love and not law.

Love frees the heart to mercy, and grace liberates the soul to peace.

Jesus' intent was defeat of the Pharisee. Each day choose to face off the Pharisee, either the one within you, or the one doing injury around you.

Could the biggest impediment be to loving another, the injury the Pharisees have first inflicted upon you? Refuse to repeat their favor to you, to another.

Mercy must triumph.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"It is better for a man to be conquered by others on account of his humility, than to be victorious over them by pride." ~ anon

ENJOY - Facing off GIANTS!

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