Faith's Real Delusion

Consider heaven as an Orchestra Hall, and the music of the symphony as the glory of God.

Everyone here knows that faith is the Divinely appointed pre-condition for entering the hall, and forever delighting in the music.

But some of you I fear, have gotten the notion that trusting Christ is like buying a ticket to the Orchestra once and for all, then you can slip the ticket away in your coat pocket as your guarantee of admission someday, even though the affections of your life are captured by the music of this world.

This is not the Biblical view of saving faith.

It is a delusion. John Piper

Mere hours before the Lord Jesus was nailed up He explained a devoton not to be tarried with:

If you love Me you will obey My commandments. (John 14:15)

Faith opens the gates of heaven, but obedience keeps them open.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'God shapes the world by prayer.' ~ E.M. Bounds