Why Dive Deep in Worship?#

'Worship' and 'celebrate' are Biblical synonyms. Nevertheless, we tend to lament when 'veiled under sackcloth and ashes'. It is then that 'celebration' only finds slim-pickings in the soul.

Trust praise to cause darkness to flee.

The Deepest Level of Worship is:

praising Him in spite of the pain,

thanking Him through the trials

trusting Him when we are tempted to lose hope, and

loving Him when He feels distant and far away.

At my:

lowest God is my Hope

darkest,God is my Light

weakest, God is my Strength, and

saddest, God is my Comforter.

The Last Word:

My heart says to you Lord 'Your face Lord I do seek.' (Psalm 27:8b)

#Today's SoulSnack is anonymous, with some minor additions from SoulSupply.