Give Me More of Your Likeness#

‘I call to You every day O Lord; I spread my hands out to You.’ ~ Psalm 88:9

There are great and clear virtues calling to each of us contained within this modernized puritan prayer:

Lord give me more of Your likeness,

Enlarge my soul to contain the fullness of Your holiness.

Engage me to live more for You.

Help me to be far less pleased with the delights of Babylon.

Wrap my life in Your divine love,

Precede me with Your faithfulness, and

Bathe me in Your righteousness –

Keep me ever desiring You.

It may be then that I will be humbly fitted to live Your will for me. AMEN#

‘My soul yearns for You in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for You.’ ~ Isaiah 26:9

Today's Soul Snippet:

 'Love is not blind. Lust is blind. If love is blind - God is blind.' ~ Gordon Palmer

#Today's SoulSnack was first penned by an unnamed puritan, it has been updated and edited by SoulSupply