This is how you should pray...

Heart-felt prayer contains a depth that mere mortality can only puzzle about. It reaches to God's glory, seeks Divine counsel and elevates the soul to hover above the cares of life. The prayer-full heart escapes to heaven for a divine morsel of peace. Such prayer is the gaining of spiritual momentum.

Henri Nouwen explained the strongest symptom of a healthy and prayerful heart:

Ceaseless interior prayer is a continual yearning of the human spirit towards God.

Prayer is the conduit of soul-searching, it grips a holy axe that fells the forests of sin. A sober heart set to engage Heaven is an antidote to the proud poison of sin, and a divine mirror to the soul. 

Prayer can be a real struggle with hindrances a plenty, yet in the final analysis Jesus made it simple

Prayer seeks no vain glory but rather the extension of His kingdom first ... Thy Kingdom come!

This, then, is how you should pray:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven... (Matthew 6:9-10)

The Last Word:

Hearts do not drip cheap time to those they love, but rather the most expensive.