I sit here grasping Jesus tightly

I sit tapping away grasping Jesus tightly, because I can and I want to - He rose from the dead.

Jesus is true and I have held onto Him for a very long time. My faith is steadfast, it shakes not. I AM COMPLETELY SURE of the truth that is Jesus.

I believe as Scripture has said. No loopholes here. I TRUST HIM.

I am also so sure that - I am no more worthy to be forgiven than Jesus was to die.

Jesus owed me nothing, nothing at all.

Yet surely we are all 'gathered' in the same vein?

Isn't it faith, Christian faith that has gathered us 'together' as knee-bending followers?

Remember the thief on the Cross? He knew Jesus for only a moment, but we will meet Him too in glory.

Jesus answered the thief, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)

Faith is not seeing with the eyes, but rather with the heart. And, without such faith no-one can please God. I live in faith, we all do because we live unseeing between His resurrection and return.

To the faithful You show Yourself. (Psalm 18:25a) 

The Last Word:

It is not the volume of faith but rather the mere fact of faith that Jesus honors.