Church - the 2nd Priority!

Soul Snack 219/12 ... Church - the 2nd Priority!

Church attending has become a gourmet diet for the a-la-carte attender. The menu is varied, the chefs are competent and the consumers are saints. These diners can always find a church for their next spiritual diet.

We get confused with a questionable premise that attending church is about conducting a relationship with the living and loving God. Pastors and ministers alike, worship leaders and choir members all usher congregations into a living, experiential divine relationship or so they often say - BUT church attendance is not the only way or even the best entry to meeting with the Lord.

Mary sat at Jesus' feet while Martha fussed and a wanton lady cried over Jesus' feet while a Pharisee condemned.  Even the disciples sat while Jesus cleansed them. DID YOU KNOW ~ Jesus is best met personally?

Church is not simply a meeting with Jesus (in fact it may not be this at all) but a meeting with His saints.

If I seek relationship with Jesus as first priority, attendance at church will only ever be a pleasant outworking of this relationship; it will be a second priority.

Enjoying the presence of the Lord is where I both start and finish.

“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (Jn 13:8)

Doin' church can never set the agenda for how I enjoy relationship with Jesus - it is the result of it.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.