Divine Word-smithing

Soul Snack 132/12 ... Divine Word-smithing#

Do you die if it is your time to speak up?

Are you inarticulate with a mouth that jumbles words?

Does your tongue obscure your clear thought?

If so Chris Bennett has words of light for you from the Light of the World:

The Lord showed me our own sanctuary and He showed me people and their thoughts as the morning progressed.
“Lord, I can’t say that. I don’t have the passion Jim has. I cannot express myself well enough. I am not an exhorter like Jim.” The Lord answered, “Do not worry about the words you use, I will use them for you, and your message will hit home where I intend it to hit home.”
Someone else said, “I can’t pray that Lord. I cannot pray like Ted prays. I don’t have his gift with words like Ted does. His prayers are beautiful – mine are so plain.” The Lord answered, “Have you not read in My Word, your prayers ascend as a fragrance before My throne. I collect your prayers just as much as I collect Ted’s prayers – in a sweet smelling perfumed bowl. Use your own words – I look at your heart before I listen to your words, so say them anyway. They will achieve whatever I want them to achieve.”
The Lord is encouraging all who would pray to pray, in their own words, not taking notice of anyone else. Just pray to God and allow the world to listen. The same with encouragement, just say the words because God will use your words – simple or complex – to reach the hearts of those He wants to reach.

He will use you as much as He will use the most eloquent speaker or pray-er.

The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints went up before God...(Rev 8:4)

Remember even when you think your words can't work, speak up and trust Him because His words through you always will.

#Today's SoulSnack is reproduced and lightly edited with the author's permission. Read the full text of 'Encouraging You.'

Today's Soul Snippet:

Courage is faith that has said its prayers.