Sucess Jesus' way

Soul Snack 52/12 ... Sucess Jesus' way

Professionals don't usually fail. That's why people hold this privileged title - professional.

I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. (John 21:3)

Seven men were sailing very familiar territory. Surely there was a century of fishing experience between them. They would know the gutters, they would know the winds, they would know the fish patterns and the fish schools; yet all this combined knowledge, even with their tenacity had failed them.

Reasonable expectation would suggest these seven professionals should have found a measure of success.

These men were soon to learn a new lifetime lesson as Jesus was about to invite them to a breakfast. He would do this for them as they could not do it for themselves - He would feed them.

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” ... Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. (John 21:12-13)

These professionals had done all things correctly all night, but still failed in their own abilities and strength. Yet, Jesus had not been part of their work.

When I seek to feed myself (especially from my own abilities) without the food Jesus has to offer, I fail. I will stay hungry. I am unable to find the food I really need without Jesus. I may be wealthy, wise and worldly, but being a professional is empty, when all I need is food from Jesus.

Eat an early breakfast with Jesus this day the food does not depend on you as He has your breakfast prepared.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Jesus died with the unkindness and injustice of others but He did not die with bitterness.