Until death us do part

Soul Snack 72/12 ... Until death us do part

In 2011 WorldWide Wrestling Entertainment Inc had a gross income of very nearly half-a billion dollars.

Wrestling is BIG business. I am in this BIG business - are you too? BUT, my wrestling pays wages that our out of this world.

Please allow me to explain...

I still sin. I don't believe I will ever be perfect on earth - I am neither that naive nor arrogant. I truly weary of this constant wrestle. Sin is a vagabond stalker pursuing my every footstep, polluting my every thought.

The trips in life to the mountaintops invariably descend to the valleys of sin. Sin is a magnet that draws me too close.

Yep I know the theology - I am washed clean by the blood of The Lamb, but on earth the stains remain. At the appointed time when I draw my last breath I will still die a sinner, albeit a forgiven one. I remain confident that sin will be my wrestling partner until death I do meet.

As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. (Roms 7:17-19)

Yet surely these is some salve for this tourney; a wet rag to wipe my face and water to splash me down before I return to the ring?

The balm to soothe the sting of sin's blows and to energise my exhaustion is surely found in the spiritual knowledge that at least I know I am in the battle, and that this battle is now waged with extraordinary supernatural help (see Ephesians 6:10-20).

How sad it would be to not know that I am in this battle, to have lost a fight I didn't understand was waged against me! This is the state of those who have rejected my steel-pierced, splinter strewn sin-bearer.

Thankyou Lord that I am a wrestler. Could you share in that prayer with me too?

Today's Soul Snippet:

I don't want back from God what He has received from me.