The Common Son - B

Soul Snack 175/11 ... The Common Son - B

To the snatchings of my life my Father has graciously responded. The indulgences of the flesh, the laziness of the mind and the lethargy of my spirit He has still not held against me.

I have taken from Him without providing much return.

I have burdened Him but not listened to Him.

I have defended myself and made Him vulnerable.

I have sought friends that I should not have - friends who would rob me of His love and His presence. Indeed I have sought friends that rob Him of me.

I have had my back turned to Him, eyes closed to Him and mouth sealed to Him.

I have fed the pigs, wandered astray and blessed the wilful.

I have demanded from Him and ignored His family which are also my family.

I have returned to Him and with an unrestrained extravagance energy He has celebrated this. He must do this for it is His nature. He cannot do otherwise.

God is filled with compassion for this failed and common son even when my spirit falsely claims that such love to me is impossible.

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Lk 15:20)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Jesus does nor demand daily devotion - He seeks it." Maggie Woychik