You make your bed, so you lie on it. ~ anon

Men at ease hold contempt for those in misfortune. It is simple for a man of poor or good judgement to be troubled, fail or fall, and it is even simpler for the man of 'common wisdom' to judge.

The ancient tale of Job saw him land into the most foul of seasons, not from his own doing but a deal created in the heavenlies. Three well intentioned cretins in their 'support' drove Job's life into a deeper morass.  

The seldom visited minor prophet Obadiah counselled the people of Edom:

You should not look down on your brother in his day of misfortune. (v19)

Jesus develops Obadiah's guidance in James' letter to dispersed Christians worldwide:

...judgement without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not shown mercy. MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT. (James 2:13)

The Last Word: 

The most hateful and destructive misfortune of all is to scoff at another's.