Resting on Laurels?

Babies cry well before they smile. Could this be a life metaphor, as adults may blame before they bless, the negative precedes the positive, or criticism suppresses joy? Yet the Lord has better for His own.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11)

The sower who is filled with the fruit of righteousness has planted for harmony, able to discern what is best. There is no harvest of righteousness without first sowing the seeds of peace. (See James 3:19)

The fruit of righteousness is received from Jesus that God may be glorified.

What glory is there for God when a Christian continually sows the seeds of:

  • argument
  • faultfinding
  • dissension or
  • judgement.

What glory is there for God when the venom of complaint drips from a loveless Christian mouth? Such Christians are not waving God's flag well, and they disturb their own rest too.

The fruit of righteousness fills with:

  • abundant love and 
  • a correct discernment of what is best, pure and blameless.

The Apostle Paul prays for a good spiritual ambition that never ceases to grow.

Upon earth there is no ceremony of spiritual graduation, or the award of laurels to recline upon for

with the increase of love, discernment and righteousness there is no end.

Today's Soul Snippet:

“The place for theology is not the place it holds now – it is a servant and not a regent.” Michael Cartwright

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