Soul Snack 8/128 ... High Visibility

A. W. Tozer penned this truly significant reflection:

"the greatest thing about a person is what he believes about God."

I wonder if the greatest thing about God is what He still believes about me?

For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins.Amos 5:12a

His awareness of my sins is so much more accurate than mine.

He can list them.

He can recount them

He can number them.

He can detail them, time, place and duration.

He can explain the pain I have delivered and others' injuries sustained.

He still knows the pain I have given Him.

He even knows the pain I am still yet to deliver.

To an absolutely exposed awareness I am bare before Him. My sin's visibility is neither translucent nor hidden.

This is stunning to appreciate! With such visibility I am really most vulnerable. Yet, His infinite sight is still tempered by His infinite grace and love. He does not have to be gracious to me. He can not be compelled by some external force to love me.

Yet He still invites me to intimacy, to share His deep and personal thoughts (see Ps 25:14), to walk right beside Him.

His desire is not to hold onto my offenses but to hold onto me.

Surely, it is an inspiring and affirming wonder that He who knows me so well, still loves me so well.

Thankyou father for sticking with me through my constant sinfulness. I want you to hold onto me today. AMEN