Soul Snack 8/177 ... Treasure Hunting

Adventure in her eyes, desire in heart. With surprisng deftness these tiny hands rummaged diligently through the barrel.

Large department stores can be a real joy to young souls. An unusual singleness of action kept her activity focused. Her attention neither drawn nor captivated by the surrounding brightness and sensory manipulation. Her goal quite clear, her mind undistracted.

With little care any obstacle that hindered her pursuit was quickly discarded. In the recesses of this deep barrel (to her) she was utterly convinced that the object of her longing was to be found. She just simply continued to remove all the impeding dross.

Pink fingers darted back and forth accompanied by squeals of delight. This treasure hunt would soon be over. Great rejoicing would soon be at hand.

Much larger hands rummage through the litter around my life. Hands of supernatural skill remove the obstacles from around me. His kind, very focused heart and hands will never be distracted from me.

I may well be at the bottom of the barrel, I may be submerged under a sea of indulgence, covered in the unwanted clutter of captivity - yet this search for me will never be lost.

He knows I am 'under there'. He knows His source of joy is available, still to be released into His hands. He keeps relentlessly searching for me, removing all my entrapments because He knows in finding and freeing me He finds untold joy.(see also Lk 15:8)

"... the LORD your God is with you,
       he is mighty to save.
       He will take great delight in you,
       he will quiet you with his love,
       he will rejoice over you with singing."    Zeph 3:17