Soul Snack 8/186 ... Perfect

You have laid my boundaries in a beautiful place,
You have sustained my heart,
You have emptied your reservoir of grace over me,
and poured your mercy generously over my soul.

You have set my spirit alive,
You have equipped my hands with skills,
You bless my thinking,
And protect my actions.

Perfect are all your actions O' Lord

I thirst to live in your presence,
To sit still with you,
To sing your praise,
And to live out all your guidance.

I hunger for 'well done good and faithful servant',
To fall to my knees,
From the joy of knowing you.
This is THE ALL of my hopes.

Perfect are all your actions O' Lord, from you and for me.

Be at rest once more, O my soul,
       for the LORD has been good to you.  Ps 116:7