Soul Snack 8/195 ... Faith File - B

Water lapping over his toes with windblown clothes drenched in spray,  he dared not consider how many fathoms of water lay beneath these impetuous feet. An outstretched arm, a loud verbal invitation above the gale was all Peter needed to leave his wind tossed minnow sized vessel with his friends still on board. Etched most indistinctly in a pre-dawn light was Jesus too walking on water.

Peter had taken the step into darkness, the step of faith, the step which held no clarity. He had responded to His lord without question. Jesus would never permit such faith to sink.

 ... immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. Mt 14:31 a

Jesus has invited all His own to also take similar steps of faith amidst wind, distress and even darkness.

He has selected a sphere of influence for all. He has placed all within boundaries and selected exactly where I should live (Acts 17:26-27). Jesus has chosen works already for me (Jn 15:16) within His boundaries ( 2 Cor 10:15-17) on me. He will speak faith steps to me. All this is clear.

Yes, clarity obscures trust, but when I take the steps of faith into darkness all will become clear. His hand will be outstretched and I won't fall. No one ever sinks when they step towards that outstretched hand still covered in darkness; then shortly the dawn will break.