Soul Snack 8/215 ... Old Grace gives New Life

Engaging the eyes and energising desires are the things that are new.

Almost to a man newness is welcomed because there is a default pleasantness in that which is strong shiny, functional and not expired. There has not even been sufficient time transpired that the owner will gain disinterest in it. The pain and deprivations it may bring still have not been felt.

God fully understands the human heart (after all He has made us in His image). Yet, His grace has been around since creation. He knows most people like the new and want to forget any difficult past. He knows the attractiveness of 'the fresh' and the inviting nature of 'the gleaming'.

His good grace wants to bring new too, in our lives. (Maybe even more than we may want the new.)

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing ... Is 43:18-19a

God's good desire for me is to heal memories, remove distresses and dissipate the former things that have caused me to merely endure. My contribution to this goodness is simple:

  • control my thinking especially not dwelling on the past by giving the consuming past to Him,
  • look for God's good new, His kind handiworks for me in my life.

It is detrimental for me to ignore the invitation to look for His good new works. Dwelling on His new activities is far healthier than dwelling on my old ones. I am unable to drive forward without crashing when my eyes are constantly on the rear view mirror. Below is a Soul Supply thought for forward thinking:

Remember: The impossible is available to those who rely on the eternal.

God wants to replace my unhelpful old with His heavenly new. His gracious efforts for me are always in this direction. His old grace wants to gift me with new life.