Soul Snack 8/34 ... Absence Restored

These hands, these feet, visible evidence to the terror, torture and torment that He has now been released from.

"...when he had said this he showed them his hands and his feet." Luke 24: 40

Erring on the side of caution is often prudent. However, caution may not always bring health. Did they have the boldness and courage to believe AND confess that a human had actually risen from the dead?

His presence insufficient, His word's unrecognized, yet the imperative was always there. His disciples must apprehend.

Surely, visible evidence will suffice!

What testimony would His appearance bring!

What strength to His resurrection case could His hands and feet yield?

The travail of the soul is found in the cry of the forsaken. The infinite depths of love fully revealed in the shout of forgiveness. The unflinching obedience that was witnessed by all bystanders, this is what the gnarled hands and feet speak of.

The depth of my sin. The desperation of my need so clearly written on these nail pierced hands and feet.

Through His blood, beams of this heavenly righteous light shone into a supernatural darkness. The radiance of this resurrection is to be seen by all.

The disciples were ever so slow to recognize the risen Jesus (that's not unusual). Yet the loudest message of these scarlet hands and feet is that this Jesus still so dearly wants to be recognised by me, each day as alive.