Soul Snack 8/36 ... Breakfast with Jesus - A

Food for Tiredness.

"I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. John 21:3-4

Dawn softly sneaked across the horizon. This cool light brought little joy. Soaked to the bone, relentless effort and empty nets spelt a hungry and exhausting morning.

These saddened disciples had already experienced a complete emotional panorama. They had fled their master, lost their master, met their resurrected master and lived in constant fear. Now even their professional best efforts at fishing had failed. Surely expended exhaustion was still their lot.

Nothing however escapes the attention of the risen Lord. A Lord that dies for His disciples will still see them. After a bad night Jesus will come early in the morning to feed his disciples. Jesus' arrival is easy to miss. He can even be speaking to me and I won't realise.

Jesus knows that his followers have bad nights. He will see them, come to them, feed and instruct them. This He does early in the morning...see also Is 50:4b.

Breakfast with Jesus is how I always start the day well. Even after a fruitless, exhausting and sleepless night, when the dawn arrives so will Jesus. Don't go back to bed, go to breakfast with Jesus.