Soul Snack 8/57 ... Heavenly Seating?

Moses knows God very well. God invites Moses into relationship at the burning bush. Moses truly knew he could enjoy and know God on earth before heaven. God literally burnt to meet with Moses.

He still burns to meet with me now. His desire is to uplift me and give Himself to me.

God has been robbed of this truth, that I may enjoy Him on earth. I too have been robbed of this truth. It is easy to believe that 'god is watching us from a distance'. This is not true. He is close now, so that we may reach out to Him. His hand is already reaching out to us. (Acts 17:27)

God's yearns and burns to be in my heart and have my heart in His hands. His desire for relationship has not subsided. The more I enjoy God on earth (in stillness), the closer will be my relationship to Him in heaven.

The more I sit with God now, the higher I will be invited to sit with Him then. Heaven is a party and at parties you give your best friends the top of the table.

But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, 'Friend, move up to a better place.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. Lk 14:10

Where will you sit in heaven?