Soul Snack 8/79 ... "Soul Snack"

The air cool and fresh, the mood quiet and still. There was no stirring in this house, the sun was not up, but she was!

This silence and solitude simply delighted her soul. Kneeling motionless, her mind danced between songs of praise she had known for decades.

This early withdrawing, this daily 'soul space' lightly poured divine refreshment over her soul again and again. This stillness raised well being to her entire person. Precious and timely personal deposits are received direct from the throne of grace. She had positioned herself well to receive divine favour for yet another day.

An early start so much less onerous than missing out on heaven's refreshment. The joy of still time with her Father absolutely uninterrupted, she now knew was never to be missed. (In fact God will not share His time with you with others).This joy she pursued intentionally and vigorously.

Where there is relational health a child will always desire to approach their father, and the father always wants to speak to his child. Relationships by definition must consist of at least two willing participants communicating and attending to each other. This how my heavenly Father wants it too.

For this lady, a giver of consistent and deliberate 'soul space' to her heavenly father, her heart would belong to Him all day, for yet another day.

'Soul Space' can't be bought or rented, this space is simply chosen. Her volition brings then volumes of value into her soul.

'... in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and rest is your strength ...' Is 30:16b