Soul Snack 8/83 ... Naming Me

Names are how invitations are issued in relationships. Whether the invitation is for a wedding or coffee, a marriage or a quiet drink, to name someone is to say 'I want to relate to you'.

God knows my name because:

  • He is interested in me
  • I am important to Him,
  • He wants a relationship with me,
  • He wants to share Himself and His possessions with me,
  • He likes me so much He wants me to share with Him,
  • I am eternally valuable to Him,
  • He delights in me and wants to quiet me with His love,
  • He is already close and wants us both to enjoy this closeness.
When God wakes me each day He is calling my name, so He can walk beside me that day.

And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name." Ex 33:17

God knows the name of those He is pleased with. He knows your name today.