Soul Snack 8/85 ... God Knows!

All office waiting chairs deceive. The look of comfort alluring, the test of time revealing. Slowly, she started to wriggle. Surely this chair must have a comfortable spot? Silently and expectedly she sat. Deeply she thought. Her mortal coil sapped, the tank empty.

This meeting was to be energising, she reflected. Two friends talking frankly with grace and love.

The meeting finally happens and concludes with an unexpected haste.

Enervated, she slowly closes the door behind her. There was that deceiving chair. She had been deceived by the chair, and so too in the meeting.

A deeper and longer sadness of soul freshly assailed her spirit. Her steps accordingly slow. Her mind and body now captured by the poison her soul had just received.

God speaks light in darkness. God sees through darkness. No heart is too obscured from the eyes of grace, no pain unobserved. God speaks promise and future to this, His saddened daughter. God had a higher and healthier purpose for her. Into man's guile God will always speak grace to those who will listen and love Him.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen 50:20

(This is a true story.)