Soul Snack 8/9 ... The Blessing Ball

"...He wakens me morning by morning to listen like one being taught." Is 50:4b

As dawn invites the new day, as shimmering rays of a rising sun caress the horizon, as heaven beams with favour again on earth there is a war being waged. It is difficult to believe that at the same time as hot air balloons glide carelessly across the skies, that as the birds chirp and nature arises (or sleeps) there is a life deciding contest being conducted.

This contest is simultaneously waged in the heavenlies and in my heart, as God seeks to gain my attention 1st, for that day. That is why He wakes me up. it is simply God's good will for me that wakes me up. (Ps 3:5).

God is not on the sidelines nor is He is a grandstand observer for this contest. He is not even the referee whistling order into this match.

He is in this match. He is even on my side. He is calling out to me. He is struggling to gain my attention. He wants to kick His ball of blessing into my net.

It is always good to lose sleep, if I gain Jesus!

The problem arises when I am not in the goals, when I am not between the posts, but still between the sheets. I have to be there to stop it and catch it. If not, it will just bounce right out again, that blessing missed. The blessing God had for me that morning will be unheeded, unreceived and unused. I will have lost out and God will be sad. Neither of us then happy about the outcome.

Each day starts with God asking me to catch his 'blessing ball'. This can not be caught if I am still on a pillow.

Father in heaven,
Thankyou that you want to bless me at each new day. Help me to remember when I awake, that you wake me to speak to me. Father I no longer want to miss your blessing ball. AMEN