Soul Snack 8/98 ... The Net

Reaching for her dressing gown, her mind both wandered and wondered.

Out into a dark morning, restlessly she moved. Bed held no harmony, her body held no peace.

Not knowing, not understanding and unable to fathom an alertness (so wrong at this hour) that was debilitating.

The wrestle, the painfully absent sleep, the moaning of a soul unable to be expressed, let alone understood, these reflections traversed her mind.

On her knees yet again, she knew no reason for this 'night time robbery.' (But, she did know who does!)

Noiselessly her most wearied stirrings rose to the Throne of Grace, across Bible passages of praise nearly permanently open.

Almost immediately a prayerful and freshly renewed trust arrived. She arose from this time honoured position, deeper again in faith. She had heard from heaven. Her soul (and body) would still find rest that night.

She would soon sleep again, trusting that His unseen net had been spread. She would not 'fall' any further that dark morning.

Faith her stronghold, praise her action and trust her foundation, His net was now spread, He'd caught her yet again.

The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth. Ps 145:18