Soul Snack 9/6 ... The Inner Signpost

The stirrings of a a noble heart will always command a beneficial outcome for another. It commends followers and 'spells' devotion - for that is the nature of nobility.

The noble heart knows there is a higher purpose that has an eternally superior value than their pursuit of personal programmes and position.

The noble heart sees always with the benevolent eyes of grace, and will never walk in the foootsteps of greed.

The noble heart finishes where others fail. It consciously knows that pain and privation are not permitted to be impediments to achievement.

2 metres above the ground, 2 millenia ago, the noblest heart was thrust high for all to view. His heart punctured by nails and His few words perforated by forgiveness. Finally He releases this most noble of all human hearts into the tear-torn grasp of the Almighty.

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. LK 23:46

The noble heart is always the inner signpost of the outer road to walk.