A Whisper of Angels

Soul Snack 189/10 ... A Whisper of Angels

A sense of ethereal and cosmic goodness inhabits our souls and at times enhances our senses.

For centuries many have turned off the sense of the spiritual and even denied such reality.

Yet with the bravery of ignorant people, some still hold to a 'feelable' but unknowable presence that simply wants to be kind. The rumor of the soul repeated over and over again today is the whisper about angels.

Angels do exist. They are God's messengers - invisible couriers of His goodwill and care into His children's dangerous lives.

Angels are God's spiritual expression in a physical world that He still sees, He still cares and He still acts.

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Hebs 1:14)

Enjoy another Soul Snack