Lingering Love - B

Soul Snack 131/10 ... Lingering Love - B

Recently I read this definition of love:

... meeting the needs of another, sometimes at cost to ourselves.

I don't like that dissatisfying definition. It is shallow at best. That definition could equally apply to mercy and grace or even to service.

Love is glancing a glimpse into another's heart and wanting to see more. Love is taking that second look into another's heart, and learning you want to protect and give yourself to them because of what you have seen. This is not dependent on the person's abilities or talents.

Isn't this how Jesus acts? He peers into our hearts, sees our needs and knows He is the only one that can meet these needs, even at cost to His life. Talents and abilities are of no interest to Him.

In the purity of love, worthiness to receive love, is never a factor in the giving of love.

Surely sin then is the rejection of His love, in the self-inspired interest of love for me.

I wonder if my sin injures Jesus even more than it injures me?

I do know this however, Jesus' love still lingers long after my sin.

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love ... (1 John 4:16)