The Narrow Way

Soul Snack 181/13 ... The Narrow Way

A certain elder was once asked:

What is this we read - 'a straight and narrow way'?

The old man replied:

The narrow way is that on which a man does violence to his own imaginations, and cuts himself off from the fulfilment of his own will. This is the meaning of that which was written of the apostles, 'behold we have left all and followed thee'.#

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matt 7:14)

The narrow way is the passage of both the sage and the courageous, for they know that wide softens and ease weakens.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Jesus replaced ceremony with celebration, ritual with relationship and theology with truth."

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#James O. Hannay, The Wisdom of the Desert ~ (Mesa Arizona, Scriptoria Books 2009), 33