Life's Pursuits

Soul Snack 122/13 ... Life's Pursuits

What has been found will be lost.

What has been assembled will be broken.

What has been done will be undone.

There is nothing to be gained that has not been gained before.

Where is the joy or pleasure that is new under the sun?

To the pursuit of desires there is no end as the seven seas are never filled.

Energy fades, buildings fall, endeavour fails but there is one thing that outlasts a man and all his busyness...

There is one thing each man has that services many generations and time may not dull...

For good or for evil, for wealth or poverty, for grace or vengeance - a man's influence will stand.

The pursuit of affluence is hollow, for who knows who will spend it tomorrow - a profligate or a pauper?

The pursuit of influence is eternal, for who knows who will enjoy it tomorrow - a sinner or a saint?

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. (Eccl 11:6)

Today's Soul Snippet:

Jesus' interest is not in my accumulation but rather my asset management.

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