Soul Snack S9/11 ... The Invitation

' Give an ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live...' Is 55:3a

The soft low light seeded a relaxing mood. The outside car cacophany dulled significantly by simple double glazing. As they sat across the reserved table, gentle facial shadows highlighted their conversation. Steam silently rose unnoticed from the tea pot, while waiters hovered largely unobserved. Their conversation distractingly engaging as they selectively heard only each other. Their spirit, soul and body were alight.

Relationships are well conducted though hearing. Hearing is an evidence of relationship. Honour is given to the speaker when an ear is turned their way.

God invites the listener. Curiously the invitation to hear is addressed for the health of my soul. The soul is the focus of God's input. The body also receives His words, but God is so aware that it is my soul that needs them forever.

To accept an invitation is to honour the inviter. To listen to God is to honour Him.

To hear from God is enlivening and enriching to my soul. God's words are for energising me. They are neither shallow nor hollow. His words are not easily snatched away. They are the place of refuge, they are a spring to drink deeply from, the elixir of well being, the carrier of light.

Life eternal (the soul) is predicated upon an empty carnal vessel being willing to hear from the divine. God honours me when He speaks to me. I honour him when I listen.

Father, I believe that you have the words of life. I accept your invitation to speak with me. Please speak to me daily. I want to hear your good words of life. I humble and empty myself now, that the clamour of this world will not compete with you anymore. May I hear from you alone. AMEN