Soul Snack S9/2 ... The Space for Secrets

SOUL SNACK S9/2 ... The Space For Secrets

“…in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness is your strength…" Is 30:15b

The secrets of this universe have captivated and driven explorers for millennia. 20 years ago (28/01/86) 7 explorers died, 73 seconds into their flight. ‘The Challengers' search for secrets had ended, without starting.

Hidden within man, is the arrogant unspoken belief, that my intelligent persistence will release all secrets this cosmos contains. However, surely the creator of secrets can also be the revealer of secrets!

Here God shows how man can both find ‘salvation' and ‘strength'. God is clear! Mans' restless search for spiritual secrets pays extremely poor dividends. Neither salvation nor strength is found thru busy-ness. The punishing regime of exercise wedded to the clunk of barbells or a perspiration ringed T shirt will only yield a transitory strength.

The privations of man made spirituality do not lead to salvation. The paradox of earthly pursuits is that neither salvation nor strength is found in my activity. The path to these secrets is walked by inactivity. Rest and quietness from a repentant heart is the space to discover these secrets.