Soul Snack S9/21 ... Christ Correctness

“As He went along, He saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him, ‘rabbi who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?'" Jn 9:1-2

Instantly the disciples have judged (incorrectly) another's mis-fortune. The congenital illness is clear. Yet, unhealthy thinking is equally clear. They are too quick to apportion blame.

Suffering is clearly linked to sin in scripture (see Ps 107:17, Jn 5:14, 1 Cor 11:29-30). But, sin does not explain all mallady.

Surely deep and significant sadness surrounds all those born with ill health. In this is instance there is an adult who had felt the caressing warmth of the sun, yet was unable to describe its imposing heavenly presence. Here is an adult who knew well the delicate fragrances of a garden, yet had never seen their bright and appealing array. At times he had been utterly drenched in a downpour, yet had never glanced at a rainbow.

Creating wine, walking on water, feeding the masses is insufficient for this messiah. For such a person Jesus too would want to help. ‘The light of the world' introduces light to he who has no light!

He heals a blind man and also some blind thinking! This blindness was not seeded in sin. His blindness was ‘that the work of God might be displayed in his life.' (v3) Who benefited most by this miraculous demonstration, God himself, the man born blind or the disciples? COPYRIGHT 06