Heaven's Scalpel!

Soul Snack 9/200 ... Heaven's Scalpel!

Shrouded in the ghosts of her past, the present was crippled and the future bleak.

Ghosts aren't fine travelling companions. It is really difficult to see them. To hear from them only raises fear - their intentions too are also so unclear!

The darkness of past demons truly can continue to haunt the present and deny a good future.

To be captured by things of the past is to never be safe in the present. Fear rises at an unexpected knock, the return of a stressful memory or an unwanted encounter.

The fears of the past can deliver a bondage equal to chains and manacles. These constrain, restrain and cause pain.

Fears from the past, cripple the present and destroy the future.

There is a lover  who will protect and 'crash-tackle' fears while holding the fearful self safe in His arms.

This lover is also a doctor operating incisively on the soul and spirit. He deftly excises fear and soothes the wound with the linament of faith.

His scalpel is love!


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear ... 1 John 4:18


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