Toddler of Trust

Soul Snack 1/11 ... Toddler of Trust

A parent so longs for their child to crawl. This is followed by an equal eagerness for them to walk.

As the fifteen month old toddles and bounces his way through life, a parent is filled with joy as injuries are avoided and progress is well made.

Yet no parent is ever satisfied if a toddler does not become an independent walker. In fact, they are saddened if progress is impeded or if they still need to hold the hand of an eight year old for balance.

How does our Father in Heaven feel when He sees His child still a toddler in trust, living without daring?

How does our Father in Heaven feel when He sees His child not stepping into the darkness of faith that secures their unseen tomorrow before they ever get there?

Where is the heart that holds God's hands alone?

" ... when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:8)

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Today's Soul Snippet:

"The love of God is not a mild benevolence but a consuming fire." Bede Griffiths