Wanting - A!

Soul Snack 12/10 ...Wanting - A!

Enlivening the senses and engaging the mind are the bombarding attractions of today. Coupled with the advertisers' promises for tomorrow, desires are multiplied and the flesh is now geared for pursuit.

Lapses of spiritual attention, walking only on the shoulders of the path to righteousness, contribute to the shallow at the expense of the spiritual.

Yet, as I gaze into the star-littered skies and my feet dance through crystal-clear water, my heart cries for heaven. As I sniff the scents of spring and feel the fresh morning mists, my heart is caressed, even convinced, of that which is far better than all that this world entices with.

I now know this - no longer do I want the things of 'here', I only want the things of 'there'.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1)

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