Stealing Jesus!

Soul Snack 9/103 ... Stealing Jesus!

A crime filled canopy shrouds Mary's soul and shadows her spirit.

The darkness and coldness of the empty tomb is mirrored in her voice as she cries out to Peter.

The cry of distress from a true lover of Jesus ...

So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him! (Jn 20:2)

Still unaware of the good truth only ignorance prevails.

Is there anyhing worse than to know the Saviour and then not find Him?

Is there anything harder than loving the Lord after loosing the Lord?

Is there anything sadder than to be obscured from His risen truth?

Mary's personal state was as empty as Jesus' tomb was empty! Jesus it appears, has been stolen from Mary.

Satan still seeks to steal Jesus from all who belong to Jesus.

Jesus is stolen from a disciple's when:

  • they remain content with His absence,
  • the draw of the world seduces from the draw of His Word,
  • the maintain a conscious and comfortable sin.
  • they silently acquiesce to ungodly influence.

My ignorance (or even my sin) may cause me to get Jesus wrong, but He is still doing everything right!

His tomb is empty so that I don't have to be empty!

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