War Safety

Soul Snack 107/11 ... War Safety

Arrows thudded with a dull thump into the heavy impenetrable leather. Held confidently high across his well muscled torso, his shield was safely in place. This ancient warrior strode boldly forth into the enemy's onslaught.

Intercepting and blocking attacks was the shield's purpose. Great protection was available once it had been lifted in place. But, there was value in the shield only after it was picked up and seized correctly.

Faith in the shield gave him confidence in his abilities. A shield properly in place meant confidence, energy and maybe even enthusiasm towards the path for victory.

But you are a shield around me, O LORD ... (Ps 3:3a)

God is my shield. He is the one I stand behind. He gives me enthusiasm, energy, and a bold confidence to walk forward on His paths of righteousness. He is both the interceptor and impeder of attacks upon me.

I confidently can take steps to correct wrongs, rectify injustices and resist evil. I can challenge self interest, stand for integrity and refuse to participate in evil. All these are steps of faith in Him who is my shield, and He will protect me in these times of battle.

It is not safe to be at rest and behind my-self in how I conduct life; it is far safer to be at war and behind the Lord. Choosing Jesus as my shield means I will be able to stand for righteousness; this is my act of faith. Here is the only SAFE place for victory in my life.

Get behind Jesus and you will find that He has already gotten behind you.

 ... for everyone born of God overcomes the world. (1 John 5:4a)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"It is the heart that perceives God not the reason." - Blaise Pascal