The Voice of Righteousness ~ B

Evil finds scant lodgings within a righteous man.

This life long Christian trek was first squelched into desert sands. Many in history have gone before us, and succeeded.

The voice of righteousness invites disciples to enter the good fight and then stay strong. It is the reliable believers who exercise keeping the faith. They do not write treaties with sin. Instead, they eagerly await only the Lord's approval, well done good and faithful servant.

Select friends wisely in these inglorious times, lest you too will be led astray from The Highway of Holiness. Few are able to divide good from evil.

Teach this truth to your children and grandchildren that they too avoid the company of the wicked.

Righteousness chooses to be lost to the favors of this earth. It is the fleeing of the world's corruptions caused by its evil, consuming desires.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27).

Satan has less opportunity to command those who walk with Jesus (the pursuers and owners of righteousness) to rest on his sinful heights. (see Luke 4:1-13)

For righteousness to become my dwelling place of tomorrow its voice must first be heard, obeyed, and as with Noah spoken out into the thickening ether of wickedness today.

The Last Word:

It is righteousness that triumphs over self-interest.

ENJOY too The Voice of Righteousness ~ A