The Christmas Guarantee

Around 700 years prior to Jesus' birth Israel's prophet Isaiah described the distress that earth's people lived in. He spoke of their hunger and anger, their cursing and darkness. (see Isaiah 8:19 - 9:7)

Boldly he guaranteed that those walking in darkness and living in death's shadow (i.e. everybody) would see a great light. 

Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those in distress… the people have seen a great light (Isaiah 9:1a, 2a)

Sad eyes of grace had peered through this pervasive gloom far too long upon a mankind they loved. Heaven's Throne Room constantly hated His people's distress and gloom. Heaven acted.

Such darkness was never to be victor. Darkness was both upon the world and within each soul.

A world in gloom was not going to continue. This gloom was under divine sentence. He who created the light would now assault the gloom with The Light of the World.

Paradoxically a babe would rescue the drowning, restore the broken and pierce the evil darkness.

From the first Christmas heaven's intention to dispense the gloom was accomplished.

The Light of this World was born so that the joy of His birth would be eternal.

The light of this Infant can never fade.

From Bethlehem, not only did that baby light the face of the earth, He now too lights countless worlds within.

Christmas guarantees:

even if shrouded in darkness Jesus' light within will still shine, because light overcomes darkness - darkness does not dispel light.

Today's Soul Snippet:

God's word commands us to pray.

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