Why the Gay Debate Will End!

Western mankind now walks every moment of every day on ever weakening, already fractured feet of clay.

Amazonian rainforests have been felled...

iClouds are brimming...

the minds of westerners have been saturated since the late 70s...

modern pulpiteers scan infinite media... YET -

no politician of any persuasion, no politically incorrect naysayer, or printed pamphlet has spoken of this in the gay debate...

love is neither a stand alone virtue or an accurate moral compass!

Moral love rests on God's foundations which are righteousness.

Love does not carry itself. Nor, is love an end in itself.

Needless to say though I will - "love has become falsely the arbiter of truth and morality".

So, is there a love so pure that it can legitimise sin?

God's fabric continues to be love, it always has been and always will be. God is love, BUT:

righteousness is God's compass, and His foundations for all His decisions. Righteousness is His eternal priority. He lives love, but decides from righteousness.

He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity. (Psalm 98:9b)

Righteousness both precedes God and is the foundation of His throne. He is seated upon righteousness. (Psalm 85:13)

If God's foundation was wickedness we would expect hatred to be His fabric. Lies, betrayal, impurity and murder would too be His activity. No selfless salvation, forgiveness or grace here.

Any man who would dwell in heaven forever must grasp the depth, the significance, the priority and the wonderful eternity of righteousness first.

There is no gay debate if righteousness is to be pursued. Little wonder righteousness' divisive presence is not welcomed. Indeed, it is bullied down.

At the beginning of Jesus' ministry He taught in the Sermon on the Mount:

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

Those who choose first Jesus' rule in their lives, and pursue His righteousness can never end up agreeing with the correctness and practise of homosexual love, for this is not righteous although it is real.

When righteousness is spoken of and taught, it will divide people - for is that not what Jesus' presence does?

Isn't this division already what we see today, and will remain so until Jesus returns? Then Jesus completes His righteous work begun in Gethsemane and permanently divides mankind into the wicked and the righteous.

Life is the battleground for righteousness, it is not a playground for immorality.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Salvation does not come from the assent of the head, but rather the consent of the heart.' ~ Michael Cartwright

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