Workday Soul Snack 8/6 ... High Performance Hearts

"... above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." Prov 4:23

Vivid still, I recall (for nearly 4 decades now) a sultry, uncomfortable early saturday evening in Sydney's far west during the early seventies. An increasingly sore 'tail bone' ample evidence of the plank and water-pipe constructed 'viewing platform' that I watched from. It provided well the necessary elevation, but it was no grandstand. The starting line was easily visible.

All my senses simultaneously were assaulted, indeed bombarded, as this rustic (and rusty) 'grandstand' visibly shook. 'Pounding' me was a small block, Chev powered VW Kombi of unrecognisable vintage. This wheelstanding mayhem roared at all and sundry from the small staging area. Pity his competitor! Flames positively leaped from the both banks of headers. Another win would soon be enjoyed.

High performance engines demand high performance fuels and oils. What is placed into an engine directly impacts the performance that an engine can deliver.

God has placed the highest of values on what I permit in my own engine, my heart, my wellspring for life.

Biblically there is an undeniable and consistent witness to the place of my heart, in the plight of my life. God's sub-text is that it is very easy to receive engine pollutants.

Life's race is no drag race. Yet, in the race of life a high performance heart is not found in career, cash or covetousness.

Receiving grace, scanning for goodwill or offering unrequested forgiveness all contribute well to my high performing heart. God's instruction is just so 'loud'; I must be deliberately careful about that which I give to my heart. Not all enjoyable 'substances' contribute health to my heart.

God asks me to guard the contents of my heart. Carefully protected, my high performing engine, my heart, will deliver me a high performing life.