3 Reasons why you can't contain God

Mankind denies God, abuses God and even attempts to replace Him with a myriad of false gods - mere deceiving demons who are feeble pretenders to gain the worship that only belongs to the Throne of Heaven.

No man, despite the might of his mind or the might of his muscles, can ever reach to the Throne of Grace and thus remove the one and only true God from His Throne. Why?

The answer is simple:

  1. God is nameless. All men have a name, yet God doesn't. God carries no name for He does not need an identifier. There are no other gods to distinguish Him from. I AM is the answer He gave Moses from the burning bush. It speaks of self-existence. Pagans name their gods otherwise the gods are unapproachable, and without a name the worshipers cannot be heard. (Exodus 3:14)
  2. God is formless, because He is spirit. Moses did not see God. (Deuteronomy 4:15, Isaiah 43:10-11, John 4:24)
  3. God is endless. He who is finite must fail to grasp He who is infinite.

So how do men get to know God, to be able to contain Him within our thoughts?

A human man in a finite form and a human name descended from Paradise to the pain of earth. This staggered a blinded mankind, so much so that they crucified Him.

There is no other name under heaven, no other form that walked this earth that reveals He who is shapeless and invisible to men - than God with flesh.

No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made Him known. (John 1:18)

Today's Soul Snippet:    

'The worth of a prayer is not gauged by its dimensions.' ~  Robert Murray McCheyne