Where pride and humility intersect!

Absolutely everything around the Christmas narrative bellows from the cradle to the cross:


That first Christmas signals humility's original entry to mankind.

Humility is a virtue that the Lord would continue on and wash mankind with.  

Mankind meets well where there is humility. There is peace here. Pride is the enemy of peace. It is the recipe for battle.

God bestows humility towards men, but its spread is uneven for so many reject it.

Unwelcome in the Inn...

Born of an unmarried maiden...

Birthed in a shed...

Visited by shepherds...

Sought by the unnamed from the east... AND

born into His nation as a disturbance...

When King Herod heard this (Jesus' birth) he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem. (Matthew 2:3)

Proud Herod found Christmas his recipe for battle, so too those he ruled.

That's the thing about Christmas, people are always polarised.

The Last Word:

Christmas has always distinguished between the proud and the humble, the battler and the blesser. This won't stop.