Grace has become not free, but cheap!

Writing in 1954 of the parlous state of the contemporary Christian church A.W. Tozer observed:

The separation line between the Church and the world has been all but obliterated. The moral climate is not that of the New Testament but that of Hollywood or Broadway. We are busy these days proving to the world that they can have all the benefits of the Gospel without any inconvenience to their customary way of life.

Grace has become not free, but cheap. 

Disobedience and self-satisfaction rules the roost. Michael Cartwright wrote in 2013 of the contemporary Christian church:

Jesus has her activity but not her attention. He has her hands but not her heart. 

And, in an unwitting nod to Tozer he wrote:

Christian self-confidence is the unseen asset of evil; while the carnal rules the spiritual evil will remain unchallenged.

The heart of Heaven was ripped open 2000 years ago on a wicked cross. Earth tore Heaven. Today is likewise. Christianity consumes the world barely snacking from His Cross.

The western Christian church has raced around Scripture to an easy-believeism where devotion is diluted and the Bible cherry-picked. 

The Last Word:

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (Matthew 6:24)